California small miners:
After 6 years of an illegal moratorium pushed by, lobbied by, created by and bought by Izzy Martin of Sierra Fund, it is time we use their own tactics on them.
Izzy Martin is the reason we founded AMRA, to fight illegal and unconstitutional methods being used against the small miners to eliminate what we do. Sierra Fund received millions of dollars in government grants to dredge, while real suction dredgers are labeled as criminals and have their equipment confiscated. Rural communities are suffering because of hypocritical people like Ms. Martin.
Sierra Fund is a non-profit 501(c)(3) and therefore, under the law, cannot, by law, lobby for the passage of anti-mining laws. She has openly bragged about how often she is in Sacramento meeting with lawmakers to shut us down, all the while taking tax money to become the largest gold mining company in the state.
We ALL need to send these letters to the IRS for the illegal activity she and Sierra Fund is engaged in and demand an investigation. Sierra Fund should lose their 501(c)(3) status. We ALL also need to petition the Fair Political Practices Commission for the same reasons.
We are a nation of laws. If AMRA did something like this, we would immediately be investigated, but it seems if you are politically aligned with certain politicians, you get a free pass. The IRS and the FPPC needs to know you will not tolerate this hypocrisy.
If you want to make a difference, here’s your chance.
We want to thank WMA (Western Mining Alliance) for providing these templates.
Here is a sample letter to the IRS and below this one, a letter to the FPPC. Send these in today.
Included in this post are two letters, please send each one today and if you have any questions, contact us at: support@americanminingrights.com
Here is a template for a complaint letter which MUST accompany the complaint form below
Political Fair Practices Act Request-AMRA
This form is for filing a complaint with the FPP in CA
CA Political Fair Practices Act complaint form-1
This is the template for a complaint letter which MUST also accompany the complaint form below
IRS EO Classification Request-AMRA
This is the complaint form for the IRS