Well……we have our trailers loaded and are heading to Auburn CA to start setting up for our Gold and Great Outdoor Show Saturday and Sunday at the Gold Country Fairgrounds!
We have two full buildings of vendors, food trucks, panning for gold (you get to keep the gold!). We have lectures scheduled for each day and it’s only $10 for adults, kids are free. Veterans receive a discount. We have two huge raffles each day of the show and the weather looks like it’s going to be perfect.
We still have a handful of tickets available for our dinner Saturday night, but this will sell out quickly. The dinner has a separate raffle and the prize list is amazing. 10’s of thousands of prizes, no kidding!
This is one of the primary ways AMRA funds itself folks. Come out to the show, book some tickets to the dinner and we’ll keep holding our government accountable for you. Or, you can just make a donation to AMRA.
Join us this weekend and if you want to book a ticket to the dinner, go back to our main page and click on Gold and Great Outdoor Show, then dinner.
Hope to see you there!