
Many of our claims shown here are our South Mother Lode cluster and all are within 20 miles of Coulterville CA.

We also have claims in Arizona and Idaho.  In addition to our south Mother Lode claims, we have a claim on the North Fork of the Yuba river and one in the Mojave desert.  A claim up in the Feather river drainage and two claims very close to the Feather.  We’ve added one out of San Luis Obispo with great gold and have many areas we are working on including Nevada, more in Idaho, Arizona, new claims in Oregon, Washington and Colorado.

For the South Mother Lode claims in California, there is an RV park called Ye’ Ole Yosemite RV Ranch located in Greeley Hill, just 7 miles east of Coulterville and centered around all the claims. Camping is excellent here, hot showers, grocery store ½ mile away and very clean. There are numerous RV spots and we encourage you to use this great facility and support those who support us. They are our friends and if you mention AMRA sent you, they will treat you very well. Their address is 6554 Greeley Hill Rd, Coulterville CA 95311 and their phone number is (209) 878-3847. For more information on Ye’ Ole Yosemite RV Ranch, click here.

Just to the west of the RV Park is Coulterville CA, a rich historic mining town on the national registry of historical places. We have another great friend there, Mike and Stacy. They own Sierra Outfitters and have mining supplies, camping gear and all the outdoor merchandise you will need. Mike is a retired Military hero and we wholeheartedly support him, his business endeavor and his family. You won’t meet a nicer bunch of people. Their address is 5006 Main Street Coulterville CA 95311 and their phone number is (209) 878-3793.

Proline mining is located one mile from Greeley Hill, just 7 miles east of Coulterville and they are the world leader in mining equipment period. I personally own all Proline equipment and dredges as they are the Mercedes S class of mining equipment. Jeff, the President and CEO will more than accommodate any mining needs you have and be sure to mention us for a discount.

Proline Mining’s website is found here.

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