You may have noticed AMRA has not posted as frequently as we normally do lately. There is a reason for that and it is because we have many, many things going on behind the scenes which we do not want the regulatory and management agencies to catch wind of quite yet.
USFS, EPA, DFG, DFW, CAWB, IDRW…….all “liked’ our Facebook page and we know for fact several of the agencies are on our website all the time looking for updates (ya, there’s that little IP address thingy EPA which shows your visiting our website).
Here’s a few tidbits:
We have 3 FOIA requests out right now and are waiting for the information to come back. One of these is going to cost AMRA $2,000 because they say they have over a thousand pages of emails about AMRA. Let that sink in for a minute folks. Over a thousand pages of emails with AMRA in the subject line.
We have an investigative report which was filmed with us recently on the Taser incident by the USFS LEO’s in Stanislaus NF of CA and will finally bring to light the incredible violations of civil rights to light by these people. This will air on national TV and we will absolutely post the hell out of this once it airs. We know you’ll share it as well.
We are working very hard on the suction dredge issues in Idaho and that is all we are going to say at this time. Most by now know we have retained attorney James Buchal (Brandon Rinehart’s attorney) to represent the small miners interests in Idaho.
We have aligned ourselves (AMRA) with the Galice Mining District in Oregon so they can move forward on their appeal with the recent and unbelievable decision to override preemption.
We are representing 3 small miners right now, two who were cited for dredging without a permit, one who was simply accessing his (our) claim.
We are trying to get everything planned for this years December Dinner, which is going to be the “must attend” event of the year in small mining. We are looking at several famous (TV) people attending and have confirmed quite a few already. This is going to be huge folks. We are looking at potentially having 700 people this year and well over $50,000 in prizes and giveaways at the dinner.
We are very, very actively working on claims in Alaska, very actively as well as some in CO, MT, more in OR and Arizona as well as some new dredge claims in Idaho.
We have another outing slated for military veterans, more to come later.
We have a huge outing planned for 4th of July and it will even include a BBQ! This is going to be our largest outing of the year and will be three days. You do not need to be a member to come to this and as always…….it is free. Thousands of dollars in giveaways!
We have the Fresno gold show in about 10 days and President Shannon Poe will be speaking both days at this show. If you can, please attend the show and stop by the AMRA booth.
We have two videos we’ve shot, but not edited. One everyone is going to love. For over two years I was dumping the discards from a spiral wheel (after I ran it wrong) onto my wife’s rose bushes until I saw a nugget laying next to her bushes. Two weeks ago we dug up those roses and wait until you see what we found……..
We are still dedicated to funding Brandon Rinehart and his CA Supreme Court case. In fact, we gave our word that Brandon and his family will not be left with a financial burden for his sacrifices for the small mining community. AMRA is by far the largest financial supporter to Brandon’s defense thanks to all the donations by you guys. He deserves a big thank you from all of us.
There is much, much more, but for now just know we are, have, and will always work our asses off for the small mining community.
Please do not thank me, thank the AMRA staff who tirelessly and endlessly fights for your right to mine and use your public lands.