USFS response to AMRA after we provided 4 witnesses testimony.
This is the email from Commander Wears of the USFS and our short response back to her. We know this is going to anger you, like it does us, but please know we have a very detailed plan of action from here and we will not only keep you informed, we intend you ask you for help in publicizing this out of control behavior by these USFS LEO’s (Law Enforcement Officers).
We will be writing our formal response to Ms. Wears tomorrow and will post this for all to read. It is time all of America knows how they treat the public and how they protect their own LEO’s when they commit atrocities like they have against those who pay their wages.
Mr. Poe,
Thank you very much for forwarding the information and concerns pertaining to contacts by members of the public with Law Enforcement Officers on the Stanislaus National Forest. I also appreciated the discussion you coordinated with the Forest users involved in the contacts and, as I stated during that conversation, I do take this matter very seriously.
It is common for Forest Service personnel to make contact with persons involved in mining activities that could possibly create a significant disturbance. Often this activity is of a nature which results in a notice of intent or operating plan to be required. Requesting identification is appropriate when determining compliance. However, each of the contacts you addressed were reviewed internally utilizing the information provided in our discussions and the conversations with the Forest users, as well as discussions with the personnel involved. We have identified some deficiencies and corrective action will be taken through counseling and additional training.
Thank you again for the opportunity to address these concerns.
Rita Wears
Ms. Wears,
Thank you for responding,
I will be preparing our formal response to you shortly.
While your response is not surprising, it is utterly unacceptable and disheartening. I can assure you, this will not make this go away. What it will do is give us a new direction, a new focus, drive and desire to let the public know specifically how the USFS deals with illegal behavior by their own LEO’s.
Mr. Shannon Poe
President, AMRA
Fighting for your right to mine