As most of you know, we are getting the very well known blue and white FJ Cruiser (and AMRA trailer) wrapped with a new look. We wanted to give you a few pictures to bring you up to speed on the progress. It will be completely unveiled at the GPAA Gold Show this weekend in Boise ID.
This entire project was donated by the Grissom family, a unbelievably generous family and ardent supporters of AMRA. They’ve opened their house up to us, fed us, put up with me and I cannot thank them enough. Andrew Grissom, owner of Visual Assault Designs is doing the wraps and I have been annoying him for about 15 hours a day since the project started. Professional, skillful and perfection come to mind when thinking of Andrew and how he does this. It is stunning…
We hope to show you pictures of the entire completed project on Thursday night.
The truck and trailer was pressure washed once I got the beast to Richland WA, in the eastern part of the state. It was then hand washed and cleaned with vinegar, then again with rubbing alcohol. Any dirt, grime, dust was meticulously removed, then it was wiped again with alcohol. The sheets of wrap are sometimes over 15 feet long and requires a skill I haven’t seen before. The truck was stripped down and Andrew started working his magic.
I shake my head looking at this transformation. The last picture is of a spoiler Jeff from Proline mining made for the truck rack on the roof. Pulling this trailer dropped my gas mileage down to just 9mpg. With this new spoiler, it went up to 15mpg….wow.
Yes, the spoiler is in my bed tonight, sorry honey, I was lonely.
Here is some progression………