We have posted many times on Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030, well known by Conservatives and wide-awake Americans for several years now. They are both plans for a one-world style of governance for America devised by the United Nations (UN) and operates under the guise of sustainability and conservation. We warned of the word “sustainability” several years ago as being the new dog whistle for this one world plan.
This is a pretty telling article on a new plan by Ryan Zinke, the Secretary of the Department of the Interior granting a group of people linked to this global plan keys to our public land kingdom. Zinke has done some pretty good things like rolling back some regulation, but this is simply wrong and dangerous, very dangerous.
The U.N. is undeniably an anti-American, globalist, totalitarian promoting entity which receives billions of our tax dollars to promote their agenda. They are not our friends.
For the complete article, clickhttp://freerangereport.com/index.php/2017/11/29/un-using-federal-public-private-partnerships-as-backdoor-for-global-policies/