Last week saw a major victory for property rights and an end to another Endangered Species Act horror story. The saga began in 2012 when the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service determined that 1,544 acres of land in Louisiana was “critical habitat” for an endangered species known as the dusky gopher frog. As a result […]
Tom Kitchar (Waldo Mining District President) in Oregon is leading the charge on a petition to the Secretary of the Department of the Interior and to the Secretary of the Department of Agriculture. The petition is something AMRA signed onto immediately and we cannot stress enough how important it is to send a simple little […]
This is the line up of speakers for the Idaho Liberty Summit and we are humbled to have been asked to be a speaker at this phenomenal event. AMRA President Shannon Poe will be presenting on Saturday, July 27. If interested in going, click the link below and register. Idaho Liberty Summit 5 Schedule of […]
Walk 4 Liberty new video In order for Californian’s to be successful in protesting and opposing the crushing regulatory schemes in California we MUST join hands. We must band together. All of us. Hunters, hikers, fishermen, ranchers, farmers, miners, loggers and off roaders. Regulations and rules which: close roads to camping spots, hunting spots, favorite […]
Here is our letter going out to each of the 11 counties our protest walk will be traveling through. We will be following up with calls challenging each sheriff and elected county official to walk a mile in our shoes with us. Greetings Plumas, Sierra, Yuba, Nevada, Placer, El Dorado, Amador, Calaveras, Tuolumne, Mariposa […]
From our good friend Justin Karr in Washington: The average length of time it took BLM and the Forest Service to complete the first three steps of the mine plan review process and approve 68 mine plans from fiscal years 2010 through 2014 was approximately 2 years. However, the time varied widely, ranging from about […]
Our outing is just two days away! How would you like to win a week at the world famous Roaring Camp Mining Company in the heart of the Mother Lode of California? If you haven’t been there, you should go. We did and it was awesome. Probably the most relaxing week we’ve had in […]
How cool would it be if all of us joined hands against the destruction of our access to public lands, the destruction of our rural communities and ridiculous laws passed to make you pay dearly for insane policies? California is rapidly becoming intolerable. Miners, ranchers, farmers, hikers, hunters, fishermen and other public land users. People […]
Suction Dredging In California, Permits And Politics It has now been nearly 3 ½ years since the passage of Senate Bill 637 (SB637) which labeled anything mechanized or motorized as “a suction dredge” and therefore requires a permit from the California Water Board (CAWB) to operate it in the state. The CAWB was mandated […]
This past weekend we took two winners of a 3 day mining trip with AMRA for an amazing mining experience. Day one……metal detecting Day two……placer mining Day three…lode mining Along with getting to keep all the gold we found, they get the entire trip filmed and a Youtube video. Congrats Rod Hall […]