Once again, a federal agency is trying to ban mining claims. This is 10 MILLION ACRES of them. Call your congressperson and tell them to stop this insanity. http://elkodaily.com/news/local/blm-to-seek-mining-ban-comments-in-elko/article_bbe93489-23a6-5c8e-8cda-65084fd9876d.html?utm_content=buffer296ba&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=LEEDCC BLM to ban mining claims
This is Craig Lindsay of Western Mining Alliance (WMA) and he destroys the “Fleck report” which the Dept. of Fish and Game used to justify the ban on mining. It wasn’t just flawed, it was intentionally manipulated to obtain the outcome they wanted. Well done Craig.
CALL TO ACTION OREGON: A new bill has been created to ban all forms of mining in Oregon. They are even declaring it an emergency to pass this ban. Here is an excerpt from the bill: Senate Bill 3 Sponsored by Senator COURTNEY (Presession filed.) SUMMARY The following summary is not prepared by the sponsors […]
Pacific Legal Foundation, who is representing Brandon Rinehart on his suction dredge case has confirmed the case has been received by SCOTUS for petition to be heard. We support you Brandon, completely and support PLF for taking your case. http://blog.pacificlegal.org/plf-asks-supreme-court-review-challenge-californias-mining-ban/
In the Seattle Times… This is written by a Soros funded, far left radical environmental group, the Center for Biological Diversity. Published by the Seattle Times and isn’t just false, it is outright propaganda against the small miners. CBD has perfected the art of sue and settle and will do anything, and we mean […]
This is an article from Redding where we just attended the CA Water Board public comment meetings on the new SB 637 suction dredge permitting scheme. Miners angry about proposed regulation
AMRA FILES A FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TORT CLAIM AGAINST THE UNITED STATES FOREST SERVICE. On a cold January morning, a highly decorated retired military hero and his wife were panning in a small creek on their Federal mining claim. 50 yards downstream from them was another military veteran sitting with his feet in the creek, pan […]
Here are the first 3 parts of the CA Water Board meeting in Fresno held on January 17, 2017: Part one, Russell Norman, CAWB Part 2, Craig Lindsay, WMA, Western Mining Alliance: Part 3 Shannon Poe, AMRA
There is much dispute over whether or not Mr. Obama should have designated millions and millions of acres of public lands as National Monuments. Much of this was done without the majority of public support, but based on his ideology. Trump “Open” To Unprecedented Repeal Of Obama National Monument President-elect Donald Trump is said […]
WMA and AMRA are hosting the premier outdoor swap meet and outing of the year in California. September 24th and 25th at the Indian Valley Outpost on the North Fork Yuba River. Camping is available (see flyer). Please share this and lets all come together. Have equipment you’d like to swap or sell? I know […]