Only the USFS could come up with this oxymoron. Definition of oxymoron plural oxymora play \ˌäk-si-ˈmȯr-ə, -sē-\ :a combination of contradictory or incongruous words (such as cruel kindness); broadly Gate the roads to keep the public off of their own lands, then encourage the public to use the roads they can’t access. Public service advertising […]
Barstow/BLM illegal road closures… We are home after a rather interesting weekend down in Barstow CA. We’ll take you through the time line of what happened with the BLM and their closure of the roads leading to the validly held mining claims of literally thousands of mining claim owners in the Mojave desert. June/July: AMRA […]
Found out a little something while asking around town for help with fire donations… Home Depot gives out $1000 grants to people and charities to help in times of disaster.. it’s actually store credit and each store has a limited number to give out. The bend, Oregon store gave their’s out to none other than […]
This is our letter to USFS Chief Tidwell, Congress, the committees which oversee the USFS, BLM and President Trump’s senior staff on behalf of the small miners and the issue’s we are hearing about now almost every day. We are demanding a face to face meeting to address these stunning revelations. We encourage you to […]
We are working on a new letter about all of our recent problems with some in the USFS over mining claims. Blocking access to claims, harassing miners with equipment and ignoring the US Supreme Court decisions on camping on claims. I’ve heard there is a story out there (news article) where environmentalists are now upset […]
We have opined, written articles, gave speeches and so many presentations over the years on RS2477 (Revised Statute 2477) we’ve lost count. In a landmark ruling just a few days ago by the Utah Supreme Court, roads that existed prior to 1976 are valid and the Federal government cannot close them claiming they “own” them. […]
To the President of the United States of America The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 Dear President Donald J. Trump, April 5, 2017 I am one of many, many independent full time small scale gold miners in America struggling to survive due to massive regulation and bills passed during […] Pacific Legal Foundation press release, click here
The long awaited news report was finally aired on KCRA 3 out of Sacramento on the incident where a USFS Law Enforcement Officer (LEO) pulled, and pointed a Taser at an AMRA member while he was panning for gold. KCRA REPORT
Many of you may remember there were two miners (AMRA members) who were cited for driving 80 feet off the pavement road on one of our claims. They were cited for driving in a closed area, even though nothing was marked and it was a two-track. They were hauling two barrels of water to their […]