Friends of the Clearwater have produced their version of how bad suction dredging is, even though fisheries biologists, studies and science conclusively prove the benefits of dredging to fisheries and plan to show this video to the public. The meeting, open to the public is in Moscow Idaho on March 25th 7-9pm at the 1912 […]
We have penned another letter we are now sending again on a weekly basis to President Trump below. We are also including, along with the letter, a link to a webpage which lists all of the Congressmen in the country. All you have to do is enter your zip code and you can forward (copy […]
It is time the small miners of California to once again tell our elected politicians to get off their butts and follow the laws they passed. We have penned a letter to the Senate Natural Resource Committee about the California Water Board having their staff cut literally days before they were to go public with […]
We wanted to share a paper written by a college student and AMRA member we recently met in Sonora. Thank you Mariesa for your hard work researching and writing this paper! Suction Gold Dredges Benefit California’s Rivers and Streams Mariesa Yeoman Southern New Hampshire University Introduction Destruction, pollution, and a lack of respect for […]
Update on dredging in California: Yesterday we met with the California Water Board (CAWB) in Sacramento over the permitting of suction dredging for 2019 along with several other mining organizations here in CA. This is the second meeting in the past 3 weeks and yes, they still do in fact intend on creating […]
South Fork Clearwater update, July 26: Yet another day partially missed to deal with this USFS nonsense. We drove to Grangeville to call a gentleman in Missoula MT at the regional HQ for the USFS. He was cordial, but said some things we found quite baffling. He stated all the miners he’s heard from […]
Hello from the South Fork Clearwater. Firstly, we’d like to remind everyone internet is quite a ways away from our claim and our camp so we cannot get emails, therefore the hundreds I am getting with go unanswered for a while. Phone service is non-existent, so calling if futile. That being said, if the Washington […]
We wanted to give you an update here in Idaho. Things are beginning to get very interesting. Last night, we were approached by the USFS LEO (Law Enforcement Officer) who informed us that we will be required to accept a “notice of non-compliance” or a “warning of non-compliance” which are essentially one in the […]
Update on some current issues: We are packing today for our trip to Idaho and the South Fork Clearwater. We have been informed the USFS is not backing down on their ridiculous assertion that suction dredgers must pull a Plan of Operations (PoO). This is not, by law required and they are also claiming […]
A new article by the Desert Sun on the fight here in California. Please folks, post a comment on the Desert Sun and be heard: Or simply click Suction dredge mining advocates foes regroup after clarifying legislation grind to a halt