We have long held to the belief that the EPA is the most dangerous government agency in America. They have lost numerous lawsuits for regulatory over-reach, have fined property owners $37,000 per day for digging ponds on their own private property (only to have that reversed by the courts) and have a 7 billion dollar […]
As you all know by now, we are facing some significant challenges with the never ending assault on small mining and public land use all across America. With the election of Mr. Trump, it appears to have some lights shining at the end of that tunnel. Take for example some of these things we […]
When John Keady, independent miner and owner of Rock Chuck in Schurz, received a certified letter dated Jan. 27, from the United States Department of the Interior – Bureau of Land Management (BLM) out of Reno, he never dreamt it would be declaring his Last Chance Mine in the Mount Diablo Meridian of Mineral County […]
Jim Foley, a New 49’er and longtime miner and outspoken advocate for small mining delivers a fantastic speech up in Siskiyou County. Thank you Jim, well done. http://www.siskiyoudaily.com/article/20170216/NEWS/170219802 Jim Foley asks for help from Trump’s administration
CALL TO ACTION OREGON: A new bill has been created to ban all forms of mining in Oregon. They are even declaring it an emergency to pass this ban. Here is an excerpt from the bill: Senate Bill 3 Sponsored by Senator COURTNEY (Presession filed.) SUMMARY The following summary is not prepared by the sponsors […]
Pacific Legal Foundation, who is representing Brandon Rinehart on his suction dredge case has confirmed the case has been received by SCOTUS for petition to be heard. We support you Brandon, completely and support PLF for taking your case. http://blog.pacificlegal.org/plf-asks-supreme-court-review-challenge-californias-mining-ban/
This is an article from Redding where we just attended the CA Water Board public comment meetings on the new SB 637 suction dredge permitting scheme. Miners angry about proposed regulation
Here are the first 3 parts of the CA Water Board meeting in Fresno held on January 17, 2017: Part one, Russell Norman, CAWB Part 2, Craig Lindsay, WMA, Western Mining Alliance: Part 3 Shannon Poe, AMRA
There is much dispute over whether or not Mr. Obama should have designated millions and millions of acres of public lands as National Monuments. Much of this was done without the majority of public support, but based on his ideology. Trump “Open” To Unprecedented Repeal Of Obama National Monument President-elect Donald Trump is said […]
Yet another attempt by activists running our government to eliminate small mining: Do you know how big 3.8 million acres is? It is nearly the size of Massachusetts. It is 3 times the size of Delaware. This is the size of the area that is being proposed right now to be eliminated from mineral entry […]