At our annual dinner/fundraiser this past December, Carol and John Grimes won a 3 day mining adventure with AMRA President Shannon Poe, this is part 1 of that 3 day trip. The videos were shot on AMRA claims in the South Motherlode. Amazing gold, amazing people. John reminded us of our dear Mr. Ratley, monkey […]
AMRA President Shannon Poe has one of his mining claims illegally top-filed. A claim AMRA President Shannon Poe (and three others) picked up in 2009 was top-filed by another miner in 2010. This has resulted in a myriad of angry phone calls and is a prime example of how to handle a situation like […]
As most of you know, we have had our fair share of issue’s with the US Forest Service. Issue’s like restricting the number of miners who can dredge their claims in Idaho, a Taser being pulled on people panning in creeks, random and illegal stops of grandfathers and grandsons driving on public roads among others. […]
To the President of the United States of America The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 Dear President Donald J. Trump, April 5, 2017 I am one of many, many independent full time small scale gold miners in America struggling to survive due to massive regulation and bills passed during […]
Steve Pomrenke spoke with Jere, Connie and Don (our Sr. Board members) in the elevator last night in Portland at the GPAA show and thanked us for all we do. Steve just came up to our booth and presented AMRA with a check for $500 out of his own pocket. If you are in Portland, […]
We have long held to the belief that the EPA is the most dangerous government agency in America. They have lost numerous lawsuits for regulatory over-reach, have fined property owners $37,000 per day for digging ponds on their own private property (only to have that reversed by the courts) and have a 7 billion dollar […]