Update on the Barstow/BLM road closures. We spent much of today on the phone with attorney’s, County Supervisors, other elected folks, the media and our own staff. Not to mention dealing with an injured pup, our boy Charlie. He’s going to be OK, but man do I hate wasps. We are leaving for […]
Roasting marshmallows, not forests If you have fond memories of roasting marshmallows around the campfire, and making s’mores with the kids, you may be surprised to learn that you’ve been doing it wrong all this time. Fortunately, the U.S. Forest Service has finally published guidelines on the correct method for roasting marshmallows and making s’mores. […]
Update on the BLM putting up no “vehicles allowed” signs on the access routes to mining claims in the desert” I spoke with the BLM again today and provided them with several very important court cases which show they cannot lock and block mining claim owners from their claims and cause an “undue burden” […]
This is our letter to USFS Chief Tidwell, Congress, the committees which oversee the USFS, BLM and President Trump’s senior staff on behalf of the small miners and the issue’s we are hearing about now almost every day. We are demanding a face to face meeting to address these stunning revelations. We encourage you to […]
We have opined, written articles, gave speeches and so many presentations over the years on RS2477 (Revised Statute 2477) we’ve lost count. In a landmark ruling just a few days ago by the Utah Supreme Court, roads that existed prior to 1976 are valid and the Federal government cannot close them claiming they “own” them. […]
Rep. Tom McClintock, one of the few members of Congress who understands what we public land users face, has written a very good narrative on how litigation by the enviro groups affects our forests. Great article: http://freerangereport.com/index.php/2017/06/10/how-environmentalist-litigation-is-sending-our-national-forests-up-in-smoke/
Shortly after the Presidential election in November of last year, we posited that it would take about 6 months after Mr. Trump took office to start to change the culture in some of these regulatory and management agencies. Looks like it has begun to change: http://freerangereport.com/index.php/2017/06/11/nm-state-engineer-defends-ranchers-water-rights-from-illegal-forest-service-actions/
That means virtually every revenue-producing, recreational and other activity is regulated, restricted, prohibited or under attack in courts and other venues. No timber cutting in national forests, fostering massive wildfires. No vehicles, wheelchairs, energy or mineral exploration in wilderness and many other areas. Even grazing and watershed management are under assault throughout the West. For […]
It looks as though the Trump Administration is focusing on reversing some of the Obama era National Monuments: http://freerangereport.com/index.php/2017/04/26/making-local-voices-heard-will-be-central-to-trump-monuments-review/ For the full article, click