Since we have returned from our trip to Idaho we have received an overwhelming number of calls from miners and public land users all across the west with documented problems with the USFS. Problems like ignoring Plans of Operation applications, in some cases for years….they are supposed to respond to them within 30 days. They’ve […]
Update on dredging in California: Yesterday we met with the California Water Board (CAWB) in Sacramento over the permitting of suction dredging for 2019 along with several other mining organizations here in CA. This is the second meeting in the past 3 weeks and yes, they still do in fact intend on creating […]
South Fork Clearwater update, July 26: Yet another day partially missed to deal with this USFS nonsense. We drove to Grangeville to call a gentleman in Missoula MT at the regional HQ for the USFS. He was cordial, but said some things we found quite baffling. He stated all the miners he’s heard from […]
Hello from the South Fork Clearwater. Firstly, we’d like to remind everyone internet is quite a ways away from our claim and our camp so we cannot get emails, therefore the hundreds I am getting with go unanswered for a while. Phone service is non-existent, so calling if futile. That being said, if the Washington […]
Update Sunday, July 22nd, 12:45 pm: Yesterday little brown envelopes were placed on several of our vehicles. In those were several things. 1) a “warning notice” from the LEO stating we were dredging without a PoO and which, he said days earlier this document (should we be given one) was only that we […]
We have finally recovered after our dredge trip to the 40 Mile River in Alaska at the Gold Fever Prospecting camp near Chicken. We are writing a story which documents our 2 weeks up there and will share it soon. We are very actively setting up our face to face meetings with CA Department […]
CALL TO ACTION FOR ALL AMRA MEMBERS AND IDAHO RESIDENTS: We have long talked about RS2477 and the closure of your public roads by regulatory and management agencies. We have good news to report! Representative Priscilla Giddings of Idaho has introduced a new bill, H0637 which firmly requires the perpetual access to roads predating FLPMA […]
AMRA is beginning to produce its series of videos on mining rights, how to file a claim, RS2477, road closures and much more starting today. This is the first in a series of videos to come which explain, and hopefully inform all on what their rights are on public lands.
In this article by Brad Jones, he outlines just what happened in California on the suction dredge fight. Great read. Or for the complete article, click
Please SHARE this post if you love small mining. Recently a brief was written to the United States Supreme Court on behalf of the Solicitor General of the US recommending the Supreme Court NOT hear the landmark Brandon Rinehart case. The case is about whether or not the states can create prohibitions which frustrate […]