5 years ago a lawsuit was filed by a radical environmental group out of Idaho against AMRA President Shannon Poe for legally dredging on his claim with a valid state permit. The suit alleged he polluted “their river” and destroyed fish habitat. As we all know, none of this is true as suction dredging does […]
We are helping three different miners right now in three different states which have had people top file on their claims. This is a common call we receive and would like to provide some education on the subject. A “top file” is a label miners use when someone tries to claim over an existing and […]
From our good friend Justin Karr in Washington: The average length of time it took BLM and the Forest Service to complete the first three steps of the mine plan review process and approve 68 mine plans from fiscal years 2010 through 2014 was approximately 2 years. However, the time varied widely, ranging from about […]
Justice is finally served in Montana. (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that the Supreme Court of the United States has overturned a lower court decision affirming the conviction of Joseph Robertson, a 78-year-old veteran now deceased who was sentenced to prison for digging ditches on his rural Montana property to protect the area […]
While George Soros is known to heavily fund progressive agendas, there is another billionaire whose goal is to fund environmental causes, Hansjörg Wyss. A native of Switzerland who now lives in Wilson, Wyoming, Mr. Wyss made his fortune in medical research and his medical device manufacturer Synthes. Mr. Wyss created the Wyss Foundation for philanthropy, […]
From Pacific Legal Foundation webpage pacificlegal.org Unelected bureaucrats hold tremendous power over us, thanks to decades of Congress delegating evermore authority subject to the vaguest of constraints. However, Congress has imposed some checks on federal bureaucrats to ensure a modicum of democratic accountability over the administrative state. One of those checks […]
We wanted to share a paper written by a college student and AMRA member we recently met in Sonora. Thank you Mariesa for your hard work researching and writing this paper! Suction Gold Dredges Benefit California’s Rivers and Streams Mariesa Yeoman Southern New Hampshire University Introduction Destruction, pollution, and a lack of respect for […]
We’ve long held that many within the USFS are good people, and they are, but we see stories like this one way too frequently. From the Aspen Times: Access to a private driveway is at the heart of a dispute between the owner of a Lenado residence and the U.S. Forest Service. Eaden Shantay filed […]
The USFS is proposing adopting a new regulatory scheme for suction dredging. Before we get into the nuts and bolts of this let us ask you a quick question: Have you ever seen a management or regulatory agency adopt anything….ever which benefits the public whom they claim it works for, or is your experience […]
We have two new men we are working with on unbelievable cases in two different states. The first is a man who buys and sells used mining equipment out of his garage along with small samples of minerals he collects on his mining claims in CA. His vehicle was parked in his driveway, on his […]