Our thoughts on Interior Secretary Zinke moving the departments/agencies tasked with managing our public lands out of Washington DC is pretty simple. We’d rather have these folks be available to the folks affected by their management and be in the heart of the lands they manage………..rather than be at the doorstep of the lobbyists and […]
We’ve posted many time that mining claim owners have fundamental rights, rights of access, rights to the minerals in the ground and that others like snowmobile users, hikers, campers and hunters have “privileges” to use our public lands. Well, here is a prime example of yet another USFS move to eliminate one user group from […]
A good read on just how hard it is to be a small miner in Oregon: Oregon gold miner faces unbelievable challenges
Only the USFS could come up with this oxymoron. Definition of oxymoron plural oxymora play \ˌäk-si-ˈmȯr-ə, -sē-\ :a combination of contradictory or incongruous words (such as cruel kindness); broadly Gate the roads to keep the public off of their own lands, then encourage the public to use the roads they can’t access. Public service advertising […]
About the Barstow/BLM road closures and uniting to fight tyranny: We are going to provide you with some factual evidence on this issue, court cases, WEMO plan documents (the documents they claim gives them the authority to close the roads) and other contact information of how you can make a difference. Have you […]
Equal Access to Justice Act often aids those who frustrate forest restoration By Michael D. Boeck April 11, 2017 2:11 PM Recent articles’ illustrate the philosophical differences between those who support responsible forest management and those who are against logging. No matter where you may come down on the issue, it’s important to know […]
Barstow/BLM illegal road closures… We are home after a rather interesting weekend down in Barstow CA. We’ll take you through the time line of what happened with the BLM and their closure of the roads leading to the validly held mining claims of literally thousands of mining claim owners in the Mojave desert. June/July: AMRA […]
Update on the Barstow/BLM road closures. We spent much of today on the phone with attorney’s, County Supervisors, other elected folks, the media and our own staff. Not to mention dealing with an injured pup, our boy Charlie. He’s going to be OK, but man do I hate wasps. We are leaving for […]
Update on the Barstow/BLM road closure issue. We have not had our final conference with the BLM. We pushed the call to tomorrow so we can review some final legal documents. We have all of the management plans, the lawsuit filed by, you guessed it…Center for Biological Diversity which started this whole road and land […]
The picture here was taken today. This is in front of the Bear River sign at the entrance to the public area near Auburn CA. We drove there today and AMRA pressed to be included (on your behalf) in a meeting with Senatorial, Congressional, and Assembly staff members to hear how their policies and laws […]