Italian Bar disaster update: As you know now, we’ve been trying to get the Stanislaus NF to evict the illegal occupiers down on Italian Bar road for close to a year now. We’ve shot videos of the trash, sewage, dumped batteries, a vehicle which was in the river and provided evidence of how a mining […]
We field tons of calls, emails and questions about the USFS and what they can, and cannot do as it relates to mining claims. Here is the 2800 manual which is the bible for the USFS on precisely that. We encourage you to read, open the PDF, print it and keep a copy […]
This video was shot as the LEO was leaving the campground in La Panza. Click on the link directly below for the video: USFS LEO cites Shannon Poe
We are going to be writing tomorrow, in detail about an altercation we had during our outing on the “real property mining claim” we were at for our event near Atascadero CA over this past weekend. We ask you to share this topic each time we post it so everyone can see just how the […]
We received this message yesterday from some friends and fellow miners we have in South Dakota. Read the absurdity in what the USFS is saying, and doing here folks. “Hey Shannon, wanted to give you a heads up that the us forest service in south dakota is starting to prohibit miners from working their claims. […]
Correction on Alaska claims: My mistake…..when I was speaking with the owner of the claims in Alaska, he mentioned Nome and in my mind I apparently heard “they are in Nome”, which they are not. The claims, 4 of them are about 80 miles from Nome on the Kougarok River. There is a decent road […]
Italian Bar disaster update, Stanislaus National Forest Tuolumne County CA: We have confirmed this past weekend that all but one of the squatters down in the recreation area have decided it is in their best interest to vacate the area (at some urging). The one man we had the confrontation with on film is […]
Day 3 of the Corona Virus lockdown at the AMRA house. Was pretty bored this morning, wife wouldn’t let me hang the painting from yesterday. She said…well, I’ll leave that part out but it was something like ‘no f****** way are you putting that piece of **** in here” so decided to make cake for […]
We’ve read a lot of publications over the years on the legality and history of filing mining claims, both patented and non-patented. This is perhaps the most comprehensive we’ve read to date. (thank you Kerby Jackson). Our goal at AMRA is to educate you, the small-scale miner on what your rights are, what you […]
This Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests “Forest Plan Revision” petition addresses the adverse economic impact on the greater Elk City, Idaho area’s economy. A significant portion of Elk City, Idaho business community is dependent upon recreation, tourism, hunting, fishing, mining and lodging in the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests. The addition of more “Wild & Scenic River” […]