Montana miner is back to work. We were contacted by a miner in Montana a few months ago. He had been denied and delayed on his Plan of Operations for 3 1/2 years by the Forest Service. AMRA stepped in, represented the miner and after one meeting with the USFS we got his […]
We have been talking about the Bohmker case in Oregon for some time now which is being presented to the United States Supreme Court. We had the privilege of meeting Josh Bohmker and his two children this past weekend at the Fresno GPAA gold show and would like to introduce him to everyone. Josh […]
OK, they are at it in Arizona again. The Southern Arizona Congressman is expected to unveil legislation that seeks to authorize a permanent 1.7 million acre land grab in Northern Arizona and permanently prohibit mining and other multiple-use activities on this massive swath of land. From our friend Marjorie at Free Range Report. […]
We are proud to announce we have partnered with the GPAA/Delta Gold Diggers on another project. We will be performing a peaceful protest on over-regulation in California and are going to dispel the notion that small miners are just a bunch of knuckle dragging, cousin loving, environmental trashers. We have selected two areas […]
We have two new men we are working with on unbelievable cases in two different states. The first is a man who buys and sells used mining equipment out of his garage along with small samples of minerals he collects on his mining claims in CA. His vehicle was parked in his driveway, on his […]
Since we have returned from our trip to Idaho we have received an overwhelming number of calls from miners and public land users all across the west with documented problems with the USFS. Problems like ignoring Plans of Operation applications, in some cases for years….they are supposed to respond to them within 30 days. They’ve […]
Update: Yes folks, we are aware of the article out of Spokane which appears to be distributed by the Lewiston far left media. Our thoughts…pffft. We have given quite a few interviews and you’ll be seeing them shortly. The Lewiston Tribune whom is quite left on their political ideology has written articles on dredging […]
South Fork Clearwater update, July 26: Yet another day partially missed to deal with this USFS nonsense. We drove to Grangeville to call a gentleman in Missoula MT at the regional HQ for the USFS. He was cordial, but said some things we found quite baffling. He stated all the miners he’s heard from […]
Hello from the South Fork Clearwater. Firstly, we’d like to remind everyone internet is quite a ways away from our claim and our camp so we cannot get emails, therefore the hundreds I am getting with go unanswered for a while. Phone service is non-existent, so calling if futile. That being said, if the Washington […]