Recently we were contacted by some people down in the San Gabriel area of the greater Los Angeles area about some moves the USFS were proposing. The moves include making the area off limits to overnight camping and eliminating much of the parking previously reserved for hikers, miners and patrons of Bungee America. One […]
When one reviews the language in the Antiquities Act, Presidents can make monuments, but in the language of the actual act, they must be the smallest area possible. This act has been abused….by both sides of the political spectrum. Hundreds of millions of acres are now off-limits to a wide variety of public land […]
3 years ago this January, two retired Veterans, one with his wife were panning and crevicing on their AMRA claim near Coulterville. It was a cold day, but sunny and they were each finding some good color enjoying a day out from the bustle of the valley. Two USFS law enforcement officers (LEO’s) came […]
Please SHARE this post if you love small mining. Recently a brief was written to the United States Supreme Court on behalf of the Solicitor General of the US recommending the Supreme Court NOT hear the landmark Brandon Rinehart case. The case is about whether or not the states can create prohibitions which frustrate […]
A very fair piece written on AMRA standing up to the illegal road closures down in Barstow with Route 66 and Temecula gold clubs. We have not, and will not let this issue go… “We had a lengthy debate about that and I encouraged her to do a little bit of research on color […]
We have posted many times on Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030, well known by Conservatives and wide-awake Americans for several years now. They are both plans for a one-world style of governance for America devised by the United Nations (UN) and operates under the guise of sustainability and conservation. We warned of the word “sustainability” […]
Josephine County Board of Commissioners declare no-confidence resolution with U.S. Forest Service Josephine County Board of Commissioners declare no-confidence resolution with U.S. Forest Service Grants Pass, Or.- Josephine County Commissioners have declared a “no confidence” resolution in the current federal forest management policy. “The U.S. Forest Service’s fire policy is resulting in catastrophic fires,” Josephine […]
Well, can’t say we disagree with this. Just in the past 4 1/2 years we have had to endure two massive fires in our own backyard. One was the 5th largest in the history of California. The latest one came within a mile and a quarter of our home base. Mismanagement of our forests has […]
Our thoughts on Interior Secretary Zinke moving the departments/agencies tasked with managing our public lands out of Washington DC is pretty simple. We’d rather have these folks be available to the folks affected by their management and be in the heart of the lands they manage………..rather than be at the doorstep of the lobbyists and […]
Our friends, the Feldman brothers have a new TV series pilot which is going to air on November 30th. Most will remember the brothers as mining on the show “Ice Cold Gold”. This is pretty exciting as the new show is filmed in the desert Southwest (they are from Arizona) and will be in areas […]