We apologize for the release and subsequent problems with our new educational series video. Here it is….. This one addresses questions like “can the USFS cut trees down on my claim. And also addresses claim jumping and what to do.
Frankly, I’m done with this mine, it scares the heck out of me.
While the entire country was embroiled in talk over President Trump’s tax cuts….this happened behind the scenes. We have mentioned we had broken through Trump’s firewall and even have a personal letter from Mr. Trump over the endless letters (every Monday morning sent certified) we sent to 1600 Pennsylvania Blvd outlining the struggle us […]
AMRA is beginning to produce its series of videos on mining rights, how to file a claim, RS2477, road closures and much more starting today. This is the first in a series of videos to come which explain, and hopefully inform all on what their rights are on public lands.
Recently, I had a debate with someone over whether the benefits of small scale gold mining was a matter of national security. It is, and it is undeniable. The vast majority of the gold mined in the world comes from small scale mining and stories like this where the drug cartels are literally making billions […]
3 years ago this January, two retired Veterans, one with his wife were panning and crevicing on their AMRA claim near Coulterville. It was a cold day, but sunny and they were each finding some good color enjoying a day out from the bustle of the valley. Two USFS law enforcement officers (LEO’s) came […]
Please SHARE this post if you love small mining. Recently a brief was written to the United States Supreme Court on behalf of the Solicitor General of the US recommending the Supreme Court NOT hear the landmark Brandon Rinehart case. The case is about whether or not the states can create prohibitions which frustrate […]
Our thoughts on Interior Secretary Zinke moving the departments/agencies tasked with managing our public lands out of Washington DC is pretty simple. We’d rather have these folks be available to the folks affected by their management and be in the heart of the lands they manage………..rather than be at the doorstep of the lobbyists and […]
Want to understand how gold gets deposited and why people lode mine? Read this………… https://www.geologyin.com/2014/11/veins-and-hydrothermal-deposits.html?utm_content=bufferad04b&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer#K2RQDkRBbff1XPtH.99 Or click Veins and hydrothermal deposits of gold