AMRA is beginning to produce its series of videos on mining rights, how to file a claim, RS2477, road closures and much more starting today. This is the first in a series of videos to come which explain, and hopefully inform all on what their rights are on public lands.
We stumbled across this article posted on another Facebook forum this morning on suction dredging. This little Proline dredge, which has been demonized by environmentalists, the EPA and USFS is being used to create a clean riparian waterway and remove noxious weeds in Idaho. All across America, Federal, State and local agencies are […]
When we post calls to action and request you to comment to BLM, USFS or whoever needs to hear your voice on an issue is the single most frustrating thing we here at AMRA experience. Making your voice heard is not just crucial, it is paramount in stopping the swamp from taking your lands away […]
We finally got a new computer and software program to edit our videos. We have quite a few in the can and will be editing and pumping them out pretty quickly now. Here is the first one, and if you don’t believe in ghosts, you might after seeing this.
Over the years we have all learned that there are two sides to every story. Also over the years, we’ve learned that most of the media are against keeping public lands open and that they truly hate mining on any scale. One can only come to this conclusion based on the incredible number of […]
When one reviews the language in the Antiquities Act, Presidents can make monuments, but in the language of the actual act, they must be the smallest area possible. This act has been abused….by both sides of the political spectrum. Hundreds of millions of acres are now off-limits to a wide variety of public land […]
3 years ago this January, two retired Veterans, one with his wife were panning and crevicing on their AMRA claim near Coulterville. It was a cold day, but sunny and they were each finding some good color enjoying a day out from the bustle of the valley. Two USFS law enforcement officers (LEO’s) came […]
A very fair piece written on AMRA standing up to the illegal road closures down in Barstow with Route 66 and Temecula gold clubs. We have not, and will not let this issue go… “We had a lengthy debate about that and I encouraged her to do a little bit of research on color […]
Found out a little something while asking around town for help with fire donations… Home Depot gives out $1000 grants to people and charities to help in times of disaster.. it’s actually store credit and each store has a limited number to give out. The bend, Oregon store gave their’s out to none other than […]
We have opined, written articles, gave speeches and so many presentations over the years on RS2477 (Revised Statute 2477) we’ve lost count. In a landmark ruling just a few days ago by the Utah Supreme Court, roads that existed prior to 1976 are valid and the Federal government cannot close them claiming they “own” them. […]