A word from the President and Vice President of AMRA You may have seen us talking about our annual dinner lately. We host this dinner once a year as our major fundraiser to fund what we, as volunteers do at AMRA and that is to fight to retain access to your public lands, to […]
Annual AMRA Dinner September 23rd, Auburn CA Gold Country Fairgrounds Doors open at 5pm Well, the date is set, the catered dinner is ordered, the free beer and wine is chilling and the festivities are set to take place September 23rd at the Auburn CA Gold Country Fairgrounds. This is our annual fundraiser folks, and […]
What is remarkable about this article in Free Range Report, one of our primary sources of information on what is happening with Federal agencies, is that most agencies, like NOAA are all about money, fines and putting the boot on the neck of the public. The man who wrote this article is a retired […]
This is our letter to USFS Chief Tidwell, Congress, the committees which oversee the USFS, BLM and President Trump’s senior staff on behalf of the small miners and the issue’s we are hearing about now almost every day. We are demanding a face to face meeting to address these stunning revelations. We encourage you to […]
We are working on a new letter about all of our recent problems with some in the USFS over mining claims. Blocking access to claims, harassing miners with equipment and ignoring the US Supreme Court decisions on camping on claims. I’ve heard there is a story out there (news article) where environmentalists are now upset […]
We have opined, written articles, gave speeches and so many presentations over the years on RS2477 (Revised Statute 2477) we’ve lost count. In a landmark ruling just a few days ago by the Utah Supreme Court, roads that existed prior to 1976 are valid and the Federal government cannot close them claiming they “own” them. […]
As most of you know, we had one helluva fire up near our home base close to Yosemite. Many of our friends lost everything in their fridge and freezer, some lost their pets, some lost their land and some even lost their homes. Many rely on the meat they had to carry them through the […]
Recently, we have been receiving calls, and seeing posts about people having issues with the 14 day rule of camping on your mining claim. As most may know, we have a very close relationship and respect for Kerby Jackson with Galice Mining District in Oregon. Kerby is one of the most knowledgeable people on mining […]
A few weeks ago we brought you a story of 8 miners, one a claim owner allowing his buddies to mine with him and of a DFW (CA Fish and Wildlife) officer confiscating their foot valve on their highbanker alleging they were violating the 5653(g) section of the DFW regulations. The miner was told he […]