That means virtually every revenue-producing, recreational and other activity is regulated, restricted, prohibited or under attack in courts and other venues. No timber cutting in national forests, fostering massive wildfires. No vehicles, wheelchairs, energy or mineral exploration in wilderness and many other areas. Even grazing and watershed management are under assault throughout the West. For […]
It looks as though the Trump Administration is focusing on reversing some of the Obama era National Monuments: For the full article, click
Oregon: Note the language written by the Statesman Journal in this article about the recently passed bill banning dredging. They use the term “hobbyist”. Suction dredging is not a hobby. We do not practice catch and release gold mining and toss the gold back into the stream. We dredge with the intent to make money, […]
“…over a decade, eight environmental groups filed more than 3,300 cases in federal district courts across the country. In the last two years of the Bush Administration, seven groups filed 253 lawsuits; in the first two years of the Obama Administration, those groups filed 525 lawsuits…It is not only the sum; also outrageous is the […]
As most of you know, we have had our fair share of issue’s with the US Forest Service. Issue’s like restricting the number of miners who can dredge their claims in Idaho, a Taser being pulled on people panning in creeks, random and illegal stops of grandfathers and grandsons driving on public roads among others. […]
To the President of the United States of America The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 Dear President Donald J. Trump, April 5, 2017 I am one of many, many independent full time small scale gold miners in America struggling to survive due to massive regulation and bills passed during […] Pacific Legal Foundation press release, click here
Steve Pomrenke spoke with Jere, Connie and Don (our Sr. Board members) in the elevator last night in Portland at the GPAA show and thanked us for all we do. Steve just came up to our booth and presented AMRA with a check for $500 out of his own pocket. If you are in Portland, […]