We’ll let you decide…. http://usfspayettenationalforest.blogspot.com/2017/07/payette-national-forest-under_5.html For the complete article, click here: Payette NF
We are currently working on the speaking agenda and topics for our huge gold and great outdoor show in September in Auburn CA. We are considering a speaker who will explain how to file a mining claim and then maintain it, how to keep it current and the paperwork requirements. Would you be […]
The U.S. Forest Service acknowledged there isn’t much it can do about a “Rainbow Family” gathering expected to bring thousands of counter-culture types to the Malheur National Forest in Eastern Oregon over the next two weeks. The organizers don’t have a permit, and the Forest Service’s response to that has angered area residents such as […]
The BLM’s resource management plan and maps of the region show that two-thirds of the land inside the 1.35-million acre monument is in some sort of protected status, withdrawn from mineral development. For the full article; http://freerangereport.com/index.php/2017/06/14/bears-ears-protected-restricted-from-development-before-national-monument-proclamation/
Have you ever wanted your own gold claim? How about a new 9mm handgun? New mining supplies? What if you could get these for just $1.00? Well you can. Come to our public outing in just 8 days and these prizes could be yours. AMRA opens our 5 claims to the […]
Rep. Tom McClintock, one of the few members of Congress who understands what we public land users face, has written a very good narrative on how litigation by the enviro groups affects our forests. Great article: http://freerangereport.com/index.php/2017/06/10/how-environmentalist-litigation-is-sending-our-national-forests-up-in-smoke/
Shortly after the Presidential election in November of last year, we posited that it would take about 6 months after Mr. Trump took office to start to change the culture in some of these regulatory and management agencies. Looks like it has begun to change: http://freerangereport.com/index.php/2017/06/11/nm-state-engineer-defends-ranchers-water-rights-from-illegal-forest-service-actions/
At our annual dinner/fundraiser this past December, Carol and John Grimes won a 3 day mining adventure with AMRA President Shannon Poe, this is part 1 of that 3 day trip. The videos were shot on AMRA claims in the South Motherlode. Amazing gold, amazing people. John reminded us of our dear Mr. Ratley, monkey […]
AMRA President Shannon Poe has one of his mining claims illegally top-filed. A claim AMRA President Shannon Poe (and three others) picked up in 2009 was top-filed by another miner in 2010. This has resulted in a myriad of angry phone calls and is a prime example of how to handle a situation like […]
The Travel Management Plan/Rule was designed to keep roads open for the public…who owns the lands. What it has morphed into is a restrictive tool to keep us out. Plumas News has a good article on how this was created and where it is today: USFS Travel Management Rule continues to be controversial Or […]