We have finally recovered after our dredge trip to the 40 Mile River in Alaska at the Gold Fever Prospecting camp near Chicken. We are writing a story which documents our 2 weeks up there and will share it soon. We are very actively setting up our face to face meetings with CA Department […]
We are just 8 days from arriving in Fairbanks AK to dredge for two weeks. We will be posting videos every day (weather permitting) of our clean outs and Don Siegel is even growing his beard out so he can pretend to be Jack Hoffman…(ugh). Here is a post the Fontes family posted […]
A note from AMRA: We are 14 days from leaving for our dredging trip to Alaska at Gold Fever Prospecting! For those which don’t know about this trip, there are 12 of us going to Chicken AK for two weeks to dredge with a 10″ dredge, an 8″ dredge and three 6″ dredges […]
The long awaited post about Suction Dredging in California Simply put…….Dredging is coming back to California Spring of next year. Firstly, we know you are as skeptical as we are, after all, we’ve been told things over the past 9 years (like rulings from courts and such) which give us hope, but it always ended […]
We are just 23 days from leaving for our Alaska dredge trip at Gold Fever Prospecting out of Chicken on the 40 mile river! There are 12 of us going (not an AMRA funded trip) and we are planning on running a 10″, an 8″ and three 6″ dredges for two weeks. The crew […]
Currently proposed Arizona road closures by BLM and what to do about them: We are currently in Arizona and spoke at the GPAA Gold Fever West Valley Chapter last night about a new proposal by the BLM to close 505 miles of of public land roads under their Travel Management Plan. Most of these […]
A video message from AMRA about the upcoming dinner in Chino CA June 2nd
Do you want your own mining claim? In keeping with our promise a few months ago, we have begun shooting one of the educational video’s you had requested for our Youtube page. HOW TO FILE A MINING CLAIM This very detailed several part video will show you how to file your own mining claim. It […]
SB1222, a clarification bill on small scale mining in California schedule to follow: Click on share so people know the time(s) of these Senate hearings. Recently Facebook has been slow rolling out posts…..you can make your own decision on why. Senate Bill 1222 (SB1222) schedule: Senate Natural Resources Committee Monday April 16, […]