Tomorrow WMA, New 49’ers, PLP and a handful of people are meeting with Judge Ochoa to press him for injunctive relief for the suction dredgers in California. We have been in constant contact with WMA and as soon as we hear something, we will let you know.
We are highly optimistic the judge will grant us this relief as it has now been 6 years since we have been able to legally dredge in CA. All the while, the politically aligned radical enviro groups like Sierra Fund get to dredge, keep the gold and it is all funded by your tax dollars. They are now even obtaining properties on gold bearing rivers with your tax money to further their scheme.
It is time we have relief from the tyranny we are witnessing in not just CA, but in America.
We are so optimistic we will finally receive relief……….that we have a ten inch dredge sitting on a river in California as we speak, yes, a 10″ dredge. A 50 ton winch and two barrels of gasoline all ready to go.
What changes tyranny is people rising up, standing up, speaking out and uniting on one solid front in opposition to those who wish to “rule or dictate” what you can and cannot do. They create propaganda, lies and mistruths to further their agenda.
All a tyrant needs is for people to remain silent.
Share posts, share people speaking out. Sharing this movement creates change, change we desperately need.