Reserve your seat at the table for our dinner/giveaway!

AMRA is pleased to announce two additional claims. ‘Shining Dawn’ on the SF of the Clearwater in Idaho downstream from Forgotten Patriot, and ‘Snoop’s Gold’ a few miles west of Randsburg, CA. Both are excellent claims, with great ground in historically rich areas. Details are available for all members on the claims page on the AMRA website.

NOW is the time to register if you plan on attending AMRA’s annual celebration dinner in December, please register as soon as possible if you plan on attending…. you cannot wait until the week before the event, as space is limited! We’ll have live music, over $25K of giveaways, and a great evening for all!

Simply go back to the main page and click on “dinner” at the upper right hand corner of the page and reserve your seat today.

Remember folks, the money raised from this dinner will not only help fund AMRA’s intended litigation, but Brandon Rinehart’s Supreme Court case as well as helping out our friends at WMA, Western Mining Alliance.

Here is the link to the dinner reservations:

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