I grew up in Oregon and loved that state. Over the past few decades, the state has changed politically and quite dramatically.
They have effectively, like California, banned or are attempting to ban most methods of small mining in the state. Now they are requiring permits for pollution when dredges actually remove pollutants from the water (net reduction). What comes off the end of a dredge is called “incidental fallback” and is cleaner after it runs across a sluice than when it was shoveled, or sucked up with a suction nozzle.
But the state is requiring NPDES permits anyway.
At some point you all either get in this fight, get off your couch and quit complaining to your computer or you’ll lose even the ability to camp on public lands. Think we are kidding? We’re not.
An excerpt from Oregon.gov on permitting for mining:
“”Applicants should plan on at least six months for permit processing in advance of operating under a new or renewed permit. In addition to the application fee and first year annual fee (when required), applicants must submit a complete individual NPDES permit application at least 180 days (or more) in advance of the date to start operating. Incomplete applications will be returned.
DEQ’s permit administration process requires a public comment period of 35 days and will likely require a public hearing with a minimum of 30 days advance notification. If DEQ determines that additional information or measures are needed, there will be an additional 90 days or more added to the process period.””
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