A thank you from the miners in Churchill County
“Thanks for all the support, all the people voicing their concerns is working. However we need your help with getting the word out one more time for an all-out act of resistance initiative. Sorry for the short notice, but we believe BLM is leveraging pressure to motivate a decision from the Commissioners. Therefore the Churchill County Commissioners have setup a date for them to personally hear and address public concerns regarding the Carson City District BLM Plan. Like last time, we need to fill the chambers, lobby, and sidewalks and streets again with concerned people. Even though public input for the BLM Plans has been extended to the end of the month, this will be the last opportunity for the public to provide their direct input to the Commissioners prior to the decision which has been scheduled for the Commissioners agenda on the following week. BLM will NOT be present.
The Meeting Date, Time, and Location is:
Tuesday, April 7, 2015, 6:30 PM
Churchill County Commissioners Chambers ”
155 North Taylor Street, Fallon, Nevada