A note from AMRA:
We are 14 days from leaving for our dredging trip to Alaska at Gold Fever Prospecting!
For those which don’t know about this trip, there are 12 of us going to Chicken AK for two weeks to dredge with a 10″ dredge, an 8″ dredge and three 6″ dredges on the Forty Mile River. While this trip was paid for by each of the individuals going, AMRA will be filming the entire trip, each cleanout and even underwater of the operations.
It is the trip of a lifetime and while we had hoped to broadcast live each night on the Satellite internet, it appears it does not have the bandwidth to do that. So what we are going to do is download video every night of what we are doing and post it daily.
Here is a link to GFP’s website and if you’ve ever thought of doing something like this, check them out, call Mat and Ginger and fill a bottle with gold!