News & Events

This weekends outing is cancelled for July 13th

Due to extreme fire danger, the outing has been cancelled for this weekend.

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Suction Dredging case out of Idaho

5 years ago a lawsuit was filed by a radical environmental group out of Idaho against AMRA President Shannon Poe for legally dredging on his claim with a valid state permit.  The suit alleged he polluted “their river” and destroyed fish habitat.  As we all know, none of this is true as suction dredging does […]

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Supreme Court slaps the EPA which will help dredging

Yesterday the Supreme Court ruled against the EPA and reigned in the massive power grab they have been doing for decades with the CWA (Clean Water Act) which really started under the Obama Administration and redefinitions of the WOTUS rule (Waters of the United States). The decision yesterday was unanimous against the EPA and even […]

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IBAR CLEANUP CANCELLED Please share this to let everyone know. Italian Bar clean-up is now officially postponed to a later date to be determined….but soon. This is a decision we put a lot of thought into and it was unanimous. It’s simply going to be too dangerous. We lost our excavator which was coming, we […]

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Italian Bar cleanup this weekend!

Due to the lack of response of people confirming for Saturday’s I-Bar cleanup, and because it’s gonna rain pretty good, we have cancelled the caterer…NOT the cleanup, just the caterer. Folks, to plan something of this magnitude takes advanced planning and if you don’t know how many mouths to feed, you can’t tell the caterer […]

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Our big news……

The big news and the 2022 AMRA dinner Another AMRA dinner is completed and we want to sincerely thank the AMRA staff, vendors and volunteers for making this event hugely successful. So how about our big news? Pacific Legal Foundation (PLF), one of America’s premiere constitutional law firms which focuses on cases when our government […]

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How would you like a new Proline 4″ dredge for a dollar?

Our dinner is coming up quickly in Lodi at the Grape Festival Fairgrounds December 3rd and is filling up fast.   Take a watch of this video and hear all the tens of thousands in prizes we are giving away!  

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AMRA’s own Stacy is now an attorney!

We cannot be more proud of Stacy, our Operations Manager here at AMRA for the past 7+ years. We are elated to announce that not only did she complete law school this past summer (top of her class) ……… as of yesterday at 6pm, she has passed the bar and is officially Councelor Serrato! Such […]

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Today we honor veterans

A very simple and short message to our veterans out there, many of whom are AMRA members: Thank you, we are free because of you.

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Update on the USFS FOIA from this Spring

Well this should piss everyone off… Most of you know AMRA’s President, Shannon Poe was issued a ridiculous and illegal citation while hosting a public event on one of our mining claims this Spring for “defrauding an innkeeper”. This citation came because the USFS built some covered picnic areas on the claims…..without notifying the claim […]

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