President Trump isn’t much of an outdoorsman, aside from golf. But maybe more than any president since Teddy Roosevelt, he understands the importance of others getting outside to boat, hunt, fish, shoot, and hike and their demands for access to federal lands and waterways. “He’s basically said, ‘Git-R-Done,’” said Interior Secretary David Bernhardt, who is […]
From our good friend Justin Karr in Washington: The average length of time it took BLM and the Forest Service to complete the first three steps of the mine plan review process and approve 68 mine plans from fiscal years 2010 through 2014 was approximately 2 years. However, the time varied widely, ranging from about […]
How cool would it be if all of us joined hands against the destruction of our access to public lands, the destruction of our rural communities and ridiculous laws passed to make you pay dearly for insane policies? California is rapidly becoming intolerable. Miners, ranchers, farmers, hikers, hunters, fishermen and other public land users. People […]
AMRA President Shannon Poe will be on Gold Prospectors Space Radio tonight talking about the Walk 4 Liberty and what is going on with the California Water Board, suction dredging and the state of mining. 4:30pm (Pacific) Sunday June 2nd. Tune in below, join us and call in with any questions Gold Prospectors Space Radio […]
Suction Dredging In California, Permits And Politics It has now been nearly 3 ½ years since the passage of Senate Bill 637 (SB637) which labeled anything mechanized or motorized as “a suction dredge” and therefore requires a permit from the California Water Board (CAWB) to operate it in the state. The CAWB was mandated […]
WOW is our reaction to this article. We’ve long suspected unelected bureaucrats were making rules which have the same weight and force as law. Thanks to PLF, here’s the proof. This is really groundbreaking. From Issue Insights: Is the U.S. government under the control of a shadowy group of insiders, unseen by the […]
Just had to fill out extensive forms for permission {a permit} to hold a peaceful protest at the state capitol. Apparently you must ask permission to exercise your 1st Amendment right in California.
Sue and Settle “ practices, sometimes referred to as “friendly lawsuits”, are cozy deals through which far-left radical environmental groups file lawsuits against federal agencies wherein court-ordered “consent decrees” are issued based upon a prearranged settlement agreement they collaboratively craft together in advance behind closed doors. Then, rather than allowing the entire process to play […]
Some things, like this expose the agenda of the USFS like no other. BEND, Ore. – The Deschutes and Willamette national forests issued a final decision notice Friday for the Central Cascades Wilderness Strategy Project, laying out plans to issue permits to limit day-use entry at trailheads and establish a permit system for overnight stays in three […]
Buy some land, have water rights, then have a government agency divert your water. An Obama appointee, Judge Elaine Kaplan (below) will decide if this is the new normal. The latest clash between federal land managers and Sagebrush Rebellion-style critics played out in tense but buttoned-up proceedings yesterday in a quiet courtroom in Washington, D.C. […]