A new article by the Desert Sun on the fight here in California. Please folks, post a comment on the Desert Sun and be heard: https://www.desertsun.com/story/news/politics/2018/06/29/suction-dredge-mining-advocates-foes-regroup-after-clarifying-legislation-grinds-halt/742999002/ Or simply click Suction dredge mining advocates foes regroup after clarifying legislation grind to a halt
If you are in the middle of nowhere and need to run a gold cube but only have three legs, what do you do? Steal one from a moose of course. Worked like a champ for three days when i found the 4th leg and we had to move. This was an ingenious fix […]
A BLM agent shot an unarmed woman with her hands in the air. She was shot in the back of the head. It is long past time to evaluate whether the USFS, EPA, BLM and other agencies should be armed, their training practices and whether they are in fact still doing what these agencies […]
As most may know, we have been battling with the EPA on their asserting authority over waters they do not have the fundamental right to oversee, like the SF Clearwater in Idaho. Now, Scott Pruitt who heads the EPA has made it official, the State of Idaho has been granted all authority and the […]
We have finally recovered after our dredge trip to the 40 Mile River in Alaska at the Gold Fever Prospecting camp near Chicken. We are writing a story which documents our 2 weeks up there and will share it soon. We are very actively setting up our face to face meetings with CA Department […]
We made it to Alaska. It is 1:39 and still light out, no kidding. Renting the van and truck in the morning and heading out after big Tom gets here. Sounds like the river came up 4 feet yesterday so they can’t run the hovercraft. Gonna have to make some quick decisions on […]
Well we are packed and ready to head to Alaska today for our two week dredge trip near Chicken. There are 12 of us going and thankfully the weather looks pretty good. Slight showers and mid 60’s. We are literally taking every camera we have, both personally and with AMRA and will be […]
Well we had a great dinner down in Chino CA for the So Cal folks and wanted to share a little story you will all laugh at and applaud. First of all we’d like to thank the many, many vendors, manufacturers and sponsors of the tremendous prizes we gave away…..nearly $30,000 in prizes! […]
We are just 8 days from arriving in Fairbanks AK to dredge for two weeks. We will be posting videos every day (weather permitting) of our clean outs and Don Siegel is even growing his beard out so he can pretend to be Jack Hoffman…(ugh). Here is a post the Fontes family posted […]
A note from AMRA: We are 14 days from leaving for our dredging trip to Alaska at Gold Fever Prospecting! For those which don’t know about this trip, there are 12 of us going to Chicken AK for two weeks to dredge with a 10″ dredge, an 8″ dredge and three 6″ dredges […]