WOTUS, Waters of the United States was a horrendous over-reach by the previous administration and an attempt by the EPA to take over every mud puddle, rain gutter and ditch in America. It is being challenged by many states, as it should be. For the complete article, click: Farm bureau fights to stop 2015 […]
Two weeks ago, when Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke proclaimed: “I’ve heard the climate change argument back and forth,” Zinke told the Sacramento-based KCRA. “This has nothing to do with climate change. This has to do with active forest management.” The virtue-signaling back-lash was deafening, and yet contained little to no actual scientific evidence that ‘climate […]
Well, after nearly 6 years of trying and looking and mining and prospecting……….. AMRA finally has a claim in Nevada! It is the legendary Rye Patch. The claim will be loaded next week onto our site.
Since we have returned from our trip to Idaho we have received an overwhelming number of calls from miners and public land users all across the west with documented problems with the USFS. Problems like ignoring Plans of Operation applications, in some cases for years….they are supposed to respond to them within 30 days. They’ve […]
Update on dredging in California: Yesterday we met with the California Water Board (CAWB) in Sacramento over the permitting of suction dredging for 2019 along with several other mining organizations here in CA. This is the second meeting in the past 3 weeks and yes, they still do in fact intend on creating […]
We have read on the internet that Idaho Conservation League has filed a lawsuit against AMRA President Shannon Poe for suction dredging on the SF Clearwater. ICL is well known for suing and settling lawsuits, especially with the USFS. We have not seen any documents so we will not be commenting on the content of […]
Update from the SF Clearwater, Idaho Last night two of the AMRA dredgers were cited for dredging without a PoO (Plan of Operations) by the Forest Service. Now, we will be able to present this case, along with the mountain of evidence we have obtained including video, affidavits, documents, testimony and case law […]
Update from the SF Clearwater, Idaho And an update about dredging in California in 2019 We had a meeting with Idaho Dept of Water Resources yesterday in Boise over our notices that we were out of compliance (remember, these are not Cheryl Probert and the USFS) and after a lengthy meeting, we are back to […]
Update: Yes folks, we are aware of the article out of Spokane which appears to be distributed by the Lewiston far left media. Our thoughts…pffft. We have given quite a few interviews and you’ll be seeing them shortly. The Lewiston Tribune whom is quite left on their political ideology has written articles on dredging […]
I have just received an email from IDWR (Idaho Department of Water Resources) and they are denying me the right to mine my claim about 30′ from their “approved area” they designated. They have not given me a reason, just a denial. This is an area which was approved last year by IDWR for […]