Recently, AMRA was contacted by a Mariposa County Supervisor concerning a “CUP” a Conditional Use Permitting scheme concocted by the radical, liberal Supervisor Rosemarie Smallcombe. The proposal is being brought forth by MERG, another radical enviro group based out of Mariposa. Coincidentally……..listed on the Board of Directors of MERG: Rosemarie Smallcombe: B.A., University of California, […]
We wanted to share James Buchal’s letter he just went public on. Buchal is one of two attorney’s involved in the Ochoa case, the other is David Young whom PLP has had for years. Before we post the letter, we’d like to state this is a sad day and one cannot feel that “someone got […]
Tomorrow WMA, New 49’ers, PLP and a handful of people are meeting with Judge Ochoa to press him for injunctive relief for the suction dredgers in California. We have been in constant contact with WMA and as soon as we hear something, we will let you know. We are highly optimistic the judge will grant […]
As we sit here in a motel near Seattle this morning, we are thinking of the 23rd, court, Judge Ochoa and 6 years of an illegal moratorium on suction dredging in California. We look at the moves by Democrats in Sacramento and the environmental groups who are controlling these politicians and are not just disheartened, […]
What a weekend with the Veterans on our AMRA claim! We want to thank all of the Veterans who selflessly put their butts on the line for all of us who enjoy our freedoms today. I think there was more lead in these guys bodies than was in the area where people shoot down by […]
Update on what AMRA is currently working on: We have much going on and many times we don’t openly discuss all the things we are working on behind the scenes. This weekend, we are hosting a private outing for some wounded veterans at an undisclosed location. AMRA wholeheartedly supports our veterans and frankly are sickened […]
AMRA claim update: Our outing is going great and today is the last day. The drawing for the large items is later today and those recipients of these prizes will be contacted either later today or tomorrow by Jon Siptrott, our outings coordinator. We had many people yesterday at the outing offer to pick […]
URGENT CALL TO ACTION, PLEASE SHARE THIS POST: Here we go again folks, the Idaho USFS has decided they do not need to adhere to Supreme Court decisions, are now Congress and that you need to bow down to them. They quite obviously do not believe they work for us, but we bow to them. […]
Oregon is trying to pass SB870, a defacto ban on mining. This ridiculous bill is full of non-truths, lacks science and facts and will destroy mining in Oregon. We urge you to either attend this public comment Monday, write a letter or make a phone call to your Senator. Please, do not just sit […]