10 Days to Protect Exploration Access in Pershing County Fellow Explorer, Pershing County has proposed a public lands bill that would: Release 120,000 acres of Wilderness Study Area (WSA), Designate 160,000 acres of new wilderness (not all in Pershing County) including several areas that are NOT WSA, Resolve (i. e., sell “eligible” lands of) an […]
What a trip! From Vegas to Phoenix, Prescott and Stanton we mined. We have several new videos we are editing this week and hope to have them up within the next week. Thanks for being patient and thank you for the support! Where we mined were actual AMRA claims……………JOIN US!
URGENT CALL TO ACTION PLEASE SHARE WITH EVERY GOLD CLUB AND MINING CLAIM OWNER: Mining claim owners……….BLM has just released its new 2017 budget proposal and guess what, they are attempting again to eliminate the small miners waiver. For those miners who own 10 claims or less, one can file the small miners waiver for […]
We are heading to Las Vegas for the GPAA gold show today. Sunday night, we head to the Wickenburg AZ area and will be shooting about 7 new mining videos on our newly added 13 claims in Arizona. We can’t wait to get out of California and get back to mining. Two weeks from now, […]
Piute County Sheriff threatens arrest of Forest Service personnel For the article, click
As many of you know, AMRA is the single largest financial contributor by far to the Brandon Rinehart suction dredge Supreme Court case here in CA, and in keeping with our promise to Brandon and his family to fund him at every opportunity, the AMRA board voted unanimously to make another donation to his legal […]
Update on California, SB637 and permits for any motorized mining in California: SB637 was passed and signed into law by Gov. Brown Jan 2nd. It states you need a permit from the CA Water Board who then states you need a 402 or 404 permit from the Army Corps of Engineers. Is this confusing yet? […]
We like to inform everyone when a politician does the right thing, which we all know is rare. We have worked with Congressman McClintock on many issues in the past, most notably, the USFS problems we have all seen and know about now involving the Taser incident and numerous cases of them putting up gates […]
Important message regarding the USFS in California: We have been working with a leading TV news organization on a factual story regarding the USFS and all the problems we personally have encountered, or our members and supporters have encountered. Issue’s like the two USFS LEO’s (Law Enforcement Officers) pulling a taser on one of our […]
7 letters we are sending today on behalf of small miners and public land users. These letters are addressed to: Donald Trump, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Ben Carson, Chris Christie, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. This is not an endorsement of any one candidate, we are only showing the template of the letters being sent. […]