I grew up in Oregon and loved that state. Over the past few decades, the state has changed politically and quite dramatically. They have effectively, like California, banned or are attempting to ban most methods of small mining in the state. Now they are requiring permits for pollution when dredges actually remove pollutants from […]
This video is of an epic fight some ranchers on the Oregon/Idaho border have had with the BLM over water rights. This also brings up some very, very valuable points on small mining and water rights. We strongly urge you to watch this, see how this family won this case over the government as this […]
When we post calls to action and request you to comment to BLM, USFS or whoever needs to hear your voice on an issue is the single most frustrating thing we here at AMRA experience. Making your voice heard is not just crucial, it is paramount in stopping the swamp from taking your lands away […]
How long does it take you to open an email window and send an email two sentences long? One minute? Two? This is what we are asking you to do and to oppose a new Wild and Scenic proposal on the South Fork Clearwater in Idaho. This is the same river we have been […]
Welfare Queens? More of the same. If tax money (public money) were removed from this environmental scam, these radical environmental groups would have to close shop and go get a real job. Their dependence on the government is absurd. They will not be producing a tangible benefit for the environment with this project because they […]
One of our staff members found this website and man do we love it. It is a historical site of mines, placers and mining towns in the West. Although the exact accuracy of the mines we have been researching is not precise, it’s pretty darn close. We have been trying to research our […]
Please SHARE this post if you love small mining. Recently a brief was written to the United States Supreme Court on behalf of the Solicitor General of the US recommending the Supreme Court NOT hear the landmark Brandon Rinehart case. The case is about whether or not the states can create prohibitions which frustrate […]
Update on the Barstow/BLM road closures. We spent much of today on the phone with attorney’s, County Supervisors, other elected folks, the media and our own staff. Not to mention dealing with an injured pup, our boy Charlie. He’s going to be OK, but man do I hate wasps. We are leaving for […]
The picture here was taken today. This is in front of the Bear River sign at the entrance to the public area near Auburn CA. We drove there today and AMRA pressed to be included (on your behalf) in a meeting with Senatorial, Congressional, and Assembly staff members to hear how their policies and laws […]
We’ve long held that the EPA is the most dangerous regulatory agency within government. They are attempting to be Congress by unilaterally rewriting the definitions of our laws so they can escape scrutiny by the very public who they are supposed to represent and answer to. Thankfully, we have groups like Pacific Legal Foundation (PLF) […]