This is an important week.
Brandon Rinehart’s case goes before the CA Supreme Court:
People v. Rinehart at 2:00 p.m. on June 1, 2016, in the Ronald Reagan State Office Building, 300 South Spring Street, Third Floor, North Tower, Los Angeles, California. We encourage everyone to attend.
There is a conference call for the Idaho restriction on suction dredges on the SF Clearwater on Thursday from 9am to 11am Pacific time. The call in information is:
CONFERENCE PHONE 1-888-844-9904 at the prompt for access code enter 7627128(#)
We are heading to Eastern Washington later this week to get the truck and trailer wrapped…..everyone is going to love this.
But we wanted to take a minute and tell you about two other things, one is a man who was cited down in So. Cal for panning. Yes, for panning. While information is pretty limited right now, we found out he was cited and went to court and plead guilty. We wish we had known about this incident as AMRA would have likely represented him and avoided this rather disturbing precedent setting incident. We’ll update you as soon as we know more.
Also, we have been seeing quite a few miners posting on Facebook that they are dredging and showing pictures, and sometimes even posting their location. Think about that folks. AMRA is not advocating for anyone to go out and violate some law, no matter how illegal or oppressive it is, everyone has to make their own choices in life, but good grief, don’t post where you’re going to be.
It’s about as smart as saying “I’m going to get drunk and drive this Saturday and I’m going to drive from Applebee’s in Modesto to Coulterville on highway 132 between 11pm and 11:30pm”. If you are going to violate any laws, that is your decision and yours alone. Know the ramifications of doing so……………but for Pete’s sake….don’t post it where everyone can see it.
Good luck Brandon.