AMRA update:
We have many things we are working on right now, and one of those is going to make you stand up and cheer. While we cannot disclose what it is yet, we know you will be very, very pleased at what we have accomplished. This should be released within the next 7 days, and it will be national news.
We are meeting with Senator Allen who sponsored SB637 which would require suction dredgers to purchase another permitting scheme from the CA Water Board. The following week, we will be testifying on behalf of the small miners in CA and need everyone to attend this hearing at the capital in Sacramento on the 29th (more information will follow on this).
We will be shooting a new video today and if we keep pulling what John has pulled the last two days, you will want to see this one folks……just running a highbanker on an AMRA claim.
We are getting travel weary as, just in the last month, we have traveled to: Portland OR, Reno NV, Boise ID and Medford OR, not to mention trips to Sacramento to testify, go to BLM to file and restore some claims “they” screwed up on, meetings with Sheriff’s of several counties on USFS issues and the endless calls to Congress in several states to prompt investigations into one agency or another and to oppose new mining regulations and legislation. Vegas is this weekend and things may slow down a bit for us and allow us to actually see our families for a change.
We want to thank the GPAA for allowing us the opportunity to be the recipient and run their raffle in Las Vegas this weekend. This is the largest gold show of the year and we are excited about this partnership and opportunity.
We have a new shirt we are releasing later this week, and honestly, it is the best one we’ve created so far (thanks Chris for the idea). These shirts will be available at the show this weekend and our outing coming up in May which is open to all public.
We could use any support you can send our way, tell your friends about AMRA and join us, we need to fight this unbelievable destruction of our rights together.