The outing is at the end of this week starting on Saturday at 9 am and will go until Sunday at 4 pm.
There will be AMRA signs posted from Coulterville to the claim and directions below. Many fine folks came out last weekend and helped clear the grounds so we can try to fit everyone as comfortable as possible. There are many great prizes to be given away and you can have a chance at them by donating $1.00 for a ticket, more the merrier. If you have anything you want to donate for the giveaway bring it with you and come see me at the booth…..We are really excited and look forward to seeing old and meeting new faces at the outing.
Contact us with any questions at…
JonS@ AmericanMiningRights.com
GPS Coordinates to the campground entrance….
37° 42’20.44″ N, 119° 57’27.70″ W
Directions are as follows…
Follow the signs from Coulterville, CA, take J132 through Greeley Hill to Greeley Hill Road. Turn right on Greeley Hill Road. Go straight to one-lane bridge. Turn right onto the dirt road marked Bull Creek Road or Road 20. Follow the road until you cross a small one-lane bridge. Turn left onto road 2S02. Drive about 1½ miles and the campground will be on the right. Turn right into the campground.
Now, Lets Have Some Fun and Get Some Gold!!!!
Remember take out more then you brought in wherever you go!!
FYI we will be looking for a new group photo under the the AMRA sign at the booth, we will let you know once we are gathered.
When is AMRA next meeting