AMRA outing November 1st and 2nd

We are considering our final outing of the year and have come up with the dates of November 1st and 2nd, Saturday and Sunday. We will have it at our claims (3 adjoining) called “The Office” located in Bull Creek, about 15 miles from Coulterville and 15 miles from Groveland.We’d like feedback if you can attend.Also, we have a few people who have volunteered to donate items to us for the raffle (fundraiser for the legal fund) and are welcome to any and all donations. If they are large items, we can negotiate a potential membership or something else in exchange. If you have something you’d like to donate, please send a message to: and we’ll discuss it. We already have a brand new rifle and an exceptional cache of collector silver coins we will be raffling off. If you are going to attend one of our outings………..this is the one.

We are moving into a new legal battle with our two guys who were cited for dredging without a permit soon and it will be costly. We still believe Brandon Rinehart’s case will be dismissed so our case will become front and center. We will need to raise some significant funds to pay for our legal fees. There will be more to follow on this event, but please mark it on your calendar.


2 thoughts on “AMRA outing November 1st and 2nd

  1. October 25th and 26th is the same weekend as the United Prospectors Thanksgiving Outing at Coulterville. It worked out well last year when AMRA had their outing at OURS CLAIM, which was very close to Coulterville. That allowed UPI/AMRA members to participate in both outings. For me, it would be better if they were on separate weekends. The UPI Coulterville Outing has been scheduled for many months, and I have already made UPI commitments for camping, prospecting, dinner, and raffle.

    Did the Rangers close all of the areas to trailer camp at the Bull creek Campground and the nearby turnouts by contracting installation of more boulders?….like they did at Anderson Flat.

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