Have you ever wanted your own gold claim?
How about a new 9mm handgun?
New mining supplies?
What if you could get these for just $1.00?
Well you can. Come to our public outing in just 8 days and these prizes could be yours. AMRA opens our 5 claims to the public (no, you don’t need to be a member) for the entire weekend. We have expert miners on hand to answer questions, teach anyone how to pan, prospect, read a creek or run a metal detector.
It’s great fun, great for kids and we have a huge campground which can accomodate 30′ RV’s. There is a nice new pit toilet built by the USFS and the roads to get there are all gravel.

New to prospecting or curious? Let us know and we will teach you how to pan for gold. You keep whatever gold you find on our mining claim.
Stay the night in our campground. Bring everything you’ll need to have a great weekend of fun.
From Coulterville, CA, take J132 through Greeley Hill to
Greeley Hill Road. Turn right on Greeley Hill Road.
Go straigaht to one-lane bridge. Turn right onto the dirt
road marked Bull Creek Road or Road 20. Follow the road
until you cross a small one-lane bridge. Turn left onto
road 2S02. Drive about 1½ miles and the campground will
be on the right. Turn right into the campground.
The USFS has a pit toilet in the campground.
We will have signs posted, leading you to the claim.