AMRA dinner and the EPA

As many of you know, we are working on the Idaho suction dredge issue where the USFS has ignored the people and restricted the number of dredges on the SF Clearwater to just 15. We learned of a few things about how this process was brought about and decided to do a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) to the EPA for any and all records on this issue.

We were just informed that this agency, which is staffed with tax payer money, is an agency who works for the public is now demanding $3,000.00 for this public record request. Much of this request we already know…will be our own Facebook posts and website posts. They follow us on Facebook.

Guys, let’s be straight here. It is precisely things like this which don’t just piss us off, but highlights the need for you to come to our dinner on December 3rd. The dinner is a fundraiser for not just this type of crap, but to pay off Brandon Rinehart’s legal bills, to fund the upcoming CEQA case with WMA, to continue to represent the hundreds of small miners throughout the country which have nobody to help them and nobody to turn to. To work with the upcoming Trump Administration and House of Representative Committees.

Seriously folks, come to this dinner, we are giving away tens of thousands of dollars in prizes…..all for a $65 ticket which includes a fully catered dinner from The House of Beef.

We need this FOIA, I wish I could tell you why, but we don’t want them to know why 😉

We do this, voluntarily because it IS that important. Click on the dinner tab above this post for information on the dinner and join us.

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