A word from the President and Vice President of AMRA
You may have seen us talking about our annual dinner lately. We host this dinner once a year as our major fundraiser to fund what we, as volunteers do at AMRA and that is to fight to retain access to your public lands, to offer legal advice, legal representation when needed, meet with agencies on your behalf and yes, to even sue the Federal government when they overstep their authority or stomp on your Constitutional rights.
We filed a Federal Tort claim against the USFS for demanding ID from two decorated war veterans panning in a small creek on their mining claim in February. One of the veterans had the audacity to ask why he needed to produce ID for something which was fully legal while on his real-property mining claim so the USFS law enforcement officer pulled a Taser, pointed it directly at his face from two feet away and said “you are going to give me your f’ing ID now”. Since the USFS has decided to ignore our Tort claim, we have now filed a Federal lawsuit against them on behalf of these veterans. We’ll assume you think this kind of behavior is not just unacceptable, but reprehensible as we do.
Just this year alone we have represented hundreds of miners and public land users get access to their claims, their public lands and have pushed back against what can only be described as tyranny by many of our agencies tasked with “managing” our lands and resources. Agencies like the EPA, BLM, USFS and DFG.
Even more recently, we have uncovered and are exposing fraud on a scale we haven’t seen before by a Federal agency. Through our weekly letter writing to the Trump Administration on your behalf, we finally received a response from Mr. Trump’s Administration and we are taking this to the OIG, the Office of Inspector General for investigation and prosecution. This agency, and the people who have committed this fraud need to be sued, put in jail and that is precisely what we intend to do, on your behalf. More will come on this issue soon.
We asked that you book your tickets for our dinner in Auburn September 23rd, the night of our Gold and Great Outdoor Show at the Auburn Fairgrounds, but have noticed many are waiting to purchase their tickets. There are nearly 100 volunteers putting this event on, caterers must be paid, advertising must be done, beer and wine is ordered, sound, video, vendors and prizes must be secured. We have 10’s of thousands in prizes we are giving away. We even have three claims donated to AMRA we are auctioning off at the dinner for Brandon Rinehart’s legal costs on his walk to the Supreme Court for all small miners in America. AMRA continues to be the single largest financial supporter of Brandon and his family in their legal costs…..all because of donations from you.
We have been working on our annual video, and if you have not been to the dinner before, this video will truly make you roll on the floor laughing. As a hint…………AMRA presents “Screwing with Sasquatch”, “Words of Wisdom with Jimbo”, and many, many more hilarious acts. We promise you will love it. We are advising everyone to visit the restroom prior to the video to avoid an “accident” from laughing.
Much of this requires paying in advance, which then requires you booking your tickets to cover those costs. In the past two years, we have sold this dinner out every year and believe that will happen again this year however, we need your help. If you like what AMRA does, come to this dinner, book your tickets today and help us help you, the people who OWN your public lands…….whom our government seems quite intent upon taking those public lands from you.
There is a saying……”if you build it, they will come”.
We have built it, now we’d like you to come to this dinner and support a great cause.