Found out a little something while asking around town for help with fire donations…
Home Depot gives out $1000 grants to people and charities to help in times of disaster.. it’s actually store credit and each store has a limited number to give out. The bend, Oregon store gave their’s out to none other than the
Let that sink in…. they gave an agency with what is in essence a blank checkbook money instead of letting victims or people in real need use the funds.. now I don’t blame Home Depot.. they are following a policy, which says any group can apply for these grants with the proper paperwork submitted. USFS apparently did so.. it’s the forest service to blame that is taking relief funds away from the people that really need it.
So, last night we are tired and don’t want to cook so I put an online order in to Applebee’s for pickup.
And what do I see backed in to the curbside pickup space? A forest service SUV with the hatch up being loaded with steak salads.. 60 of them as the kid at the door said…
So what I think we have here is a ranger station a bit out of control.. I plan to call today and ask some questions about their actions and use of taxpayer dollars.. $4000 may not seem like much, but it’s what we are not seeing that concerns me…