Please read this petition and stop the increase in mining claim costs proposed by Obama

This kind of crap is exactly why we are having the miners meeting so we can create an emergency communication network to battle the attack on small miners.

Obama’s new budget proposal would ELIMINATE the small miners waiver of holding 10 claims or less. What this means is instead of us paying $10.00 for each claim if we have less than 10, we would pay $140 per 20 acres, per claim. So lets do the math:

Say we have 10 claims totaling 640 acres.
We would have paid to the BLM, $100 for the small miners waiver.

Now, under this proposal, we would pay $140 per 20 acres.

640 / 20 = 32
32 X $140 = $4,480

So the cost to this small miner would go from $100 to $4,480 in one day.

This is an example of why we need to call our Senators and House members and let them know how we feel about Obama’s budget proposal.


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