Judge Ochoa has ruled in favor of the miners: This morning, we obtained the written 22 page document on Judge Ochoa’s ruling in the PLP case in San Bernadino. Firstly, let us all thank PLP and especially Jerry Hobbs who unfortunately could not be here to see his lifelong efforts come to fruition. Also, we […]
Ready for an AMRA Outing??? AMRA is having the first outing for 2015 on February 28th- March 1st at our Ratchilla Claim (weather permitting). Everyone is welcome! This is a great opportunity to meet other members and hear their stories. This will also allow the general public the opportunity to learn what AMRA does for […]
This is AMRA’s newest video (also on our videos tab on this website) called “Metal detecting the south mother lode and finding a jar of gold”.
Posted below is a post we received from a few of our AMRA supporters. The Representatives were questioned and obviously do not care about their constituents if they aren’t politically aligned. This is another attempt to use outright lies and zero science to attack the small miners. From today’s mailbox. Action in Washington …. […]
What a great way to start out the new year. We were metal detecting near Coulterville on an AMRA claim and found a small jar buried for a very, very long time. In the jar was placer gold, lots of it. We were shooting a new video and just happen to have the camera with […]