Suction dredging demonization click here
Judge postpones dredge ban ruling
We will be having an outing at our claim “Albie 2” on old highway 120 just outside of Groveland this Saturday and Sunday. The general public is invited and it will be a fun weekend. We are bringing in 1000 gallons of water for everyone to use. Raffle items include: GOLD! Shirts Mining equipment […]
This is a prime example of an agency which does not care one bit about public opinion or common sense. This SHOULD infuriate you. JOIN US, TOGETHER WE CAN FIGHT THIS Yellow Legged Frog to get 2 million acres
Road closure update: As most of your probably know, we recently met with two Congressmen over the hundreds of thousands of acres of roads in the Stanislaus NF which were closed under the guise of “public safety concerns” due to the rim fire by Supervisor Skalski. We had sent Skalski a detailed letter demanding answers […]
Plain Text Regulations 02172012 UPDATE: This meeting has been quietly moved to June 11th at 3pm. Please try and attend. DFG public hearing: There will be a public meeting on June 5th, 3pm – 5pm in Sacramento over the new (massively over intrusive) regulations for suction dredging in California. AMRA will be there, and […]
We will be having an AMRA outing at our claim “Albie 2” located just outside of Groveland CA on Saturday May 31st and Sunday June 1st. The claim is just south of Groveland on old highway 120 (loops back around to highway 120) right next to Yosemite Pines RV Park. Head southeast from Groveland towards […]
California gold dredgers edge closer to dredging in California!
Yesterday we met with Congressman Jeff Denham’s office and today we met with Congressman Tom McClintock’s office over the gates (28 so far) installed on the perimeter of the rim fire burn area which is blocking thousands of miners as well as public land users from their lands and claims. This land encompasses over 265,000 […]